The Parable of the Ten Minas

In Luke 19:11-17, Jesus tells His followers the parable of the nobleman who divided among his servants 10 minas to invest while he was away to be crowned king.

Just as the nobleman in this parable expected his servants to work diligently on his behave until his return, Jesus expects no less from Christian believers. The nobleman in this parable represents Christ, and the servants represent His followers. Like the servants who were given the ten minas, every Christian believer has an equal opportunity and responsibility to invest his or her life in the Great Commission—that is, Christian believers have the obligation to share the gospel with all people. Upon examining this parable carefully, we notice three different levels of investment by the servants which we can liken to Christians today.

The first is the servant with the biggest gain. He gave the returning king ten times more than he had been given. It can be said that he was a true disciple. He can be likened to a Christian who actively shares his or her faith with every person and takes them under his or her wing to help them grow in their faith.

The second is the servant with only modest gains. He was a less ambitious than the first, but did mange to give the king back five times what he was given. He can be likened to a person who is somewhat satisfied with the status quo. He or she shares gospel on occasion, but doesn’t achieve great results. This person fails to recognize and use the full potential God has given him or her and falls short of his or her full potential.

The last is the servant with no gain. He played it safe and buried the mina the king had given him. He claimed the king was hard and unfair. He can be likened to a Christian who does not truly understand God. He or she sees witnessing as a duty rather than a privilege and is motivated out of fear of God rather than love for Him. This Christian knows little of the Savior her or she serves.

God expects investment as well as results. In other words, use the talents God has given you for His glory and use every opportunity to witness for His kingdom. God is not asking you to work for Him. He is asking to work through you. Yield to the power of the Holy Spirit and ask God how you can be used by Him.

Adapted from the New Believers Bible notes and reading tracks copyright © 1996 by Greg Laurie. Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


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