God's Grace

Mother murders her own child. Governor caught in extra-martial affair. Bank executive steals millions. One has to only turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper to hear or read similar stories. While we are astonished at these incidents, we soon realize that the world is plagued by the age old problem of sin.

Much like today, the world was full of evil and violence thousands of years ago. People lived contrary to God’s instructions. They did not seek His will. They not only turned away from God, they preferred wrong over right. They called evil good and good evil. Their hearts were wicked and their lives were full of immorality. And God grieved!

One man, however, caught God’s attention: Noah. Though human, and thus sinful, Noah sought God’s will. He did all that God command him (Genesis 7:5). He honored God with his life. As a result, God showed grace (an unmerited gift to an unworthily recipient) to Noah and his family, saving them from the flood and ultimate destruction.

Our sin grieves God. But God gives grace to those who obey His Word and seek His will. God wants those who, like Noah, honor Him with their lives. Will you?


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